Security and Civil Protection
Why Drones in Security and Civil Protection?
Main applications:
- Topographic mapping and land inspection
- Remote monitoring
- Search & Rescue
- Reconnaissance
- Security and emergency response
Search and rescue, management of natural disasters, monitoring of risk areas…
The possible applications of drones in the Security – both public and private – and Civil Protection scope are complex, numerous and at the same time of easy understanding.
Their use in the case of critical events as fires and natural disasters allows prompt actions, reaching and monitoring areas that are no longer accessible from the ground, identifying the victims through the smoke, planning more efficient operations, mitigating the risk of the teams on the field.
In Search & Rescue applications, the use of thermal cameras and the integration of artificial intelligence solutions make it possible to recognize human presence even under thick vegetation.
Electronic devices on board as “LifeSeeker” allow the rescue of missing people thanks to the localization of the signal emitted by their mobile phone if turned on.
Through periodic monitoring activities on areas that require continuous surveillance, drones become necessary tools for carrying out predictive analyses, identifying potential fire outbreaks for targeted shutdown operations and guaranteeing timely and detailed environment control.
MAVTech has an ongoing collaboration with the Corpo Nazionale Soccorso Alpino e Speleologico (CNSAS), through the supply of drones and technical consulting services for the design of a search and rescue system in the Alpine environment.
The solution allows to detect human presence even at night and in the undergrowth and may be equipped with a Lifeseeker as payload.