Speech by Prof. Guglieri (Founding partner of MAVTech) for the Turin Academy of Sciences
On 4 May 2021, the last meeting of the online series of conferences entitled 'Le nuove sfide per l'ingegneria aerospaziale' organised by the Turin Academy of Sciences was held. As aerospace engineering is historically one of the sectors with the greatest scientific and technological impact, it requires high economic investments with correspondingly high research and development times, as well as substantial industrial risks.
The Academy of Sciences is promoting a series of conversations with the aim of showcasing some of the major technological contributions in this field to meet these challenges. At the last event, Prof. Giorgio Guglieri, professor of Flight Mechanics at the Politecnico di Torino and Founding Partner of MAVTech s.r.l., an innovative company that develops and produces remotely piloted aircraft, was invited to give a presentation.
The title of Prof. Guglieri's speech is "ll volo senza pilota a bordo… evoluzione e prospettive per l’aeronautica civile e militare".